The Process of Success
Apr 08, 2022
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. “That’s the way we spell ‘success.’”
This chant is a cheer from my earlier days of days of youth sports. At that time, I understood “success” to be about winning, reaching your goal, and claiming the largest prize. And everything less than the biggest commendation meant defeat. Now, years later, I know “success” to be about the spiritual process, the personal transformation, and the creative energies put into the World. I recognize that to lose or be defeated means to not try, give up, accept less than I am capable of doing.
What is the process of success?
We cannot talk about success, without talking about creativity. What does it mean to create? In the literal sense, it means taking nothing, bringing forth materials and thought processes and deriving a product. In the spiritual sense, it means releasing, letting go of old patterns and negative thoughts and establishing new positive routines and bringing forth new ideas that are put into motion. Creation is taking a stagnant or dead energy and rebirthing new, fresh forces.
As humans we create innately and continuously. At the practical level, we create daily meals, an outfit for the day, conversations with others. We create art, products, materials, pictures, moments, writings, and the list goes on and on. When we widen our definition of what it means to “create”, we begin to broaden our perspective of our place in the World. It is our World. We can define and create the life that we desire.
Creating involves an acknowledgment of fears, doubts, blocks, and resistances that may prevent putting our energies into actions. We may have a great idea or an interesting concept, or an activity that we want to do, but we may not be motivated to make changes and take the next step. It seems to be a great risk or just too hard. We may make excuses that we don’t have time, or it will cost too much, or nobody will care. These are fears, doubts, blocks, and resistances. That’s all. And, if we are willing, we can heal.
So, we start the healing process, bringing our fears to awareness, balancing our energy centers, raising our vibration, and moving forward. We have help along the way. Whenever we ask for help, it is given. (Our Spiritual Guides assist and can navigate the process with us. More to come on Spirit Guides in future articles.)
Through the creative process, we release high sacred vibrations into the World. We contribute to healing the World and raising the vibration of the planet.
Moving Forward! This stage is where the fun truly begins! Here, we step out into the World, our World, in a profound way by just knowing that we have a desire to be more, do more, explore more. We work hard and we are open to gifts, expansion, unexpected developments, wonderful surprises, and even struggles. The process is perfect.
Once we begin our journey, there can be no mistakes. Sure, everything may not go as planned or expected, and we may experience disappointment and even struggle, but the process is perfect. We do not judge the process. We observe, reflect, make changes, and persevere. And, please do not pay attention to another individual that may ridicule or try to shame you. We are not giving negative and pessimistic people our time and energy. We move forward with joy, peace, hope, love, and faith. We create.
The process of success is a spiritual process and is life-giving transformation. It is dynamic and occurs as an evolutionary and ongoing process over time. Since we are spiritual beings, spirituality is connected to all dimensions of our lives. Spirituality defines our place in the world, our connection to the universe. It is the lens that one chooses to see God or their Higher Power. Spirituality is revealed in how one thinks, acts, feels, and relates to another. Our search for meaning and purpose in our lives is spiritual in nature and is linked to happiness, satisfaction in life, a decrease in depression and anxiety, and a healthier life style. Our spirituality is integrated with our identity, being, and our life’s journey.
As spiritual beings, having this human experience, we have needs and desires. We want to be important, loved, significant, and have meaning and purpose. We want to live a full life and be successful.
The process of success involves knowledge, wisdom, love, an abundant mindset, intelligence, and work. To attain success, we must know that we have everything we need and release all thoughts that we are not “good enough.”
The list below is a guideline for the process of success. The order of the steps is not concrete and can be changed, added onto and followed with your own intuition. Remember, the process is perfect.
1). Know your Light, the God-presence within you.
2). Identify, acknowledge, and release fears, judgements, blocks, and resistance. Heal.
3). Listen.
4). Claim what you desire to create.
5). Ask for assistance from God, your Spiritual Guides, your Higher Power.
6). Make a plan. Be detail oriented and list step by step how you will execute your goals.
7). Be open and flexible. Receive.
8). Feel the happiness, joy, and peace of success. Define happiness.
9). Shine your Divine Light. Now is the time to fully stand in your innate power.
10). Communicate effectively, in a professional manner, with compassion and empathy.
11). Take action. Energy is needed to create. Rejuvenate.
12). Keep trying. Persevere. Stay positive.
13). Surrender. Release to God/Higher Power and trust.
14). Celebrate! Celebrate the process, in whatever way you desire.
We heal, grow, transform, create, manifest, live, and we are successful. We transcend. We express ourselves, in a healthy manner, and claim new perspectives. We have renewed relationships with ourselves and others. We may have struggled, felt disappointment, and questioned our path, but we continued. It’s not just about the outcome, but the process.
I encourage you and invite you to create and feel the happiness, growth, and celebration of the process of success.
Join us and Recognize Capabilities Beyond Your Imagination!
You are invited to be a part of a magnificent, transformational journey. An experience that opens and empowers your creative process by facing fears, doubts, worries, and pushing past limits and resistance. This journey is right in front of you; one that goes Within to find peace, wisdom, and happiness.
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