Monthly Wellness Challenge: Take Your Mask Off
Apr 23, 2024
So I can see you!
Masks are face coverings that are worn for protection, disguise, or entertainment. They may be used in theatre, ritual, or for medical reasons. The purpose of the mask is to hide the face.
We also use masks for emotional reasons. These masks are not a tangible object that we place on our face, but rather an unauthentic representation of ourselves that we portray to the world. We construct masks, ways of being and acting, based on how we think the World “should” see us. We learn how to hide our true essence, our unique personality, our powerful inner Light, and our magnificent gifts and talents.
We believe that masks are designed to “protect” us and keep us small and unnoticed.
Masks are born out of shame, fear, self-doubt, and insecurities. These feelings develop when we do not feel good enough and when we question our purpose and direction. We learn to hide our natural essence. Living in these feelings does not promote creativity or life-giving transformation.
Just as the child covers their eyes and face, and hence believes they do not exist, when we wear masks, we think the World cannot see our true, authentic, unique, powerful, magnificent self. We call this “disappearing act” as an adult, feeling safe.
Maybe we wear a mask of “pleasing” or a mask of “apathy.” Some individuals may hide behind a mask of “small and insignificant” or “not deserving and worthy” or “a victim.” The mask of “not belonging” and “not fitting in” is very popular mask.
These masks are not real. They are uncomfortable and heavy. Wearing masks may eventually lead to anxiety and depression. Masks do not support a creative, dynamic, vibrant, joyful lifestyle. They do not encourage freedom, excellence, or fulfillment. Wearing masks is not living a creative life.
Everyone on this planet has a Divine Purpose, a sacred reason for being here. We are divine, immortal Light that has incarnated onto planet Earth as a human for growth, expansion, and evolution. We are spiritual Beings having a human experience in a body.
The experience as a human may be difficult and cumbersome. The transition from a fast moving, free stream of Light to a heavy, massed filled body may seem hard and complicated. Living in the “Now” moment, mindful and aware of the events of the day can be overwhelming. And then there are feelings and emotions that accompany being human. Feelings and emotions, such as disappointment, grief, sadness, happiness, joy, loneliness, and excitement are only a few of the sensations that create a human life.
A struggle to live as an authentic Being, establishing our Divine Presence on this planet and accomplishing our Divine Purpose may ensue.
Humans are relational people and have an innate inclination toward developing authentic social relationships. It is human nature to want to be seen, recognized, and heard; to shine our bright Light. We want to be deemed important and significant.
However! When feeling judged, shamed, or criticized, the confidence to be authentic and genuine diminishes and doubt, fears, and uncertainties develop. Over time one becomes accustomed to poor treatment and expects to be disliked or shamed. It becomes a big risk to “show up” as an unique individual. As a result, our beautiful “Light” does not shine. Because this is not the natural state, for humans, depression and anxiety may result.
Depression and anxiety do not feel good in the body. These states can disrupt social, interpersonal, and occupational functioning. Extreme sadness, lack of pleasure, loneliness, anger, physical pain, sleep disorders, weight gain, hopelessness, and emptiness are some of the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Negative, pessimistic thinking, feelings of worthiness and inappropriate guilt may also be present.
The cycle of isolating, diming your Light, and feeling unsafe begins. The World is seen as risky. Questions arise, “When is it safe to be seen? Who will not like my strong and vibrant presence? Am I in trouble?” What did I do wrong? Am I worthy of abundance and love?
An individual may start to believe that they are not good enough and their Purpose on this Earth is to please another person, to make someone else happy, or to serve a certain group of people. This perspective is not a Purpose. It is not authentic or genuine.
The process of living your true essence, showing your unique personality, shining your powerful inner Light, and accepting your magnificent gifts and talents is natural and not complicated. You have to want changes to happen in your life. You have to take steps consciously and intentionally to be seen. It may feel uncomfortable and awkward.
Here are a few activities to assist with the process:
- Identify the masks you wear. Notice when you do not feel whole and complete, or when something feels “off.”
- Accept that you have been wearing the mask. There is no shame. We send the masks away with love and gratitude.
- Live in truth and recognize when you are not being honest with yourself. Stay in the “Now” moment.
- Get out in Nature. You can only be yourself when in Nature. Expand your awareness to include Nature. Be observant.
- Connect with your body and love your body. Yes, love your body. You only have one.
- Practice self-care. What does self-care look like to you? Exercise, eat healthy, rest, etc…
- Take long slow breaths into your heart center and exhale your breath down your body and out through your skin.
- Feel all emotions. Accept all emotions.
- Be in relationship with people who bring you joy and are willing to see
- Ask for assistance! Seek help from people who are authentic and live in the truth.
Join us and Recognize Capabilities Beyond Your Imagination!
You are invited to be a part of a magnificent, transformational journey. An experience that opens and empowers your creative process by facing fears, doubts, worries, and pushing past limits and resistance. This journey is right in front of you; one that goes Within to find peace, wisdom, and happiness.
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