Learning from Our Furry Friends
Oct 17, 2022
We discover so much about life from observing our furry family members and reflecting on their behaviors. We learn how to love unconditionally, to be patient, to play, to rest, and even how to enjoy the outdoors.
Journey is an Austrian Cattle Dog (Blue Heeler) and Border Collie mix... aka - a very active and intelligent dog. He loves to be outside, in nature. He does not care about the weather, the time of day, or really any of the natural conditions of the environment. He is happiest when he can run, swim and play in the outdoors.
Recently, we had a storm with high winds and heavy rain that lasted for days and days and days. For the first two days, Journey agreed to the terms of staying inside because of the high winds and rain. On the third day, he had enough. Our cozy family room was too enclosed for this high-energy friend. He was ready to face the storm and get outside.
In his own "Journey" manner, he convinced me to put on my rain jacket and pants and take him for a walk. At first I was cautious, thinking that I "should" not be outside in this weather. After a little conversation with myself, I realized that I was safe. I was not going to be blown away or any harm come to me by walking in this storm. I was not going to melt.
I embraced Journey's enthusiasm for being outside in this storm. A morning walk, led to an afternoon walk, then to an evening walk, and eventually to our typical run in the park the next day. I discovered that I enjoyed these adventures.
I discovered that rain gear really works. I remained dry! I discovered that I needed to get outside. I, too, was getting cabin fever. I discovered I loved walking in the rain and wind. I felt alive.
I experienced the dynamic and vibrant feeling of being in Nature. I recognized the beauty of the day in the rain and wind. My creativity soared and hope ensued.
Thank you, Journey Christmas.
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