Shamanic Reiki Spiritual Counseling
Reiki is a dynamic process, technique, and spiritual energy that promotes a healing for the body, mind, spirit and soul; a complete holistic healing for health and wellness. The process and technique of Reiki, pronounced ray-key, infuses loving positive energy from the Universal life force into a person’s energy field to reduce depression, anxiety, stress, and tension. The Reiki energy inspires peace, enhances creativity, increases hope and happiness, promotes compassion for the self and others, and leads to improved relationships. Additionally, Reiki encourages present moment awareness and a recognition of an individual’s spirituality which flows through all aspects of life.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) considers the energy healing of Reiki to be a mind-body complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Reiki provides strengthening, cleansing, and balancing of the body's energy centers and fields.
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) considers the energy healing of Reiki to be a mind-body complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Reiki is considered an energy medicine and provides strengthening, cleansing, and balancing of the body's energy centers and fields, the chakras and aura. Energy medicine, such as Reiki, restores health to the body by connecting the Universal Life Force with the human body and infusing positive energy into it. The body carries every life event and experience in its cells. In order to experience true life-giving transformation and healing, the body must be considered and balance and harmony restored.
The Reiki practitioner is a facilitator of the healing process and does not direct or provide the healing energy. Furthermore, the Reiki practitioner does not diagnose any medical conditions. Because the Reiki energy is from the Universal life force, a sacred and divine source of the highest vibrational frequency, it is an intelligent energy and works in the needed area of the body. The recipient of Reiki gives the practitioner permission to facilitate the healing. Reiki is not a religion, nor does the recipient have to believe in Reiki or any other spiritual or religious traditions. Mikao Usui derived the standard practice and techniques that is referred to as the Usui system of Reiki.
Shamanism is a spiritual practice that adds the elements and forces of Nature to the Reiki energetic healing process. Shamanic practices recognize the healing properties of Nature and encourages a relationship with all of Nature. Additionally, shamanism is a spiritual technique that promotes a safe and healing manner to understand unconscious thoughts and patterns by moving into and between other dimensions. This process of gaining insights from events and experiences is empowering for an individual. The shamanic practice knows that Nature is dynamic, vibrant and alive. The natural motion of Nature is to move forward and grow. In Nature there is an increased experiential awareness of living and being in the present moment. Nature accepts us as we are, without judgment or criticism. The shamanic practice knows through connection and relationship with Nature that wisdom, knowledge and life-giving transformation can occur.
Disclaimer: Â The website content is for general information and is not intended as professional advice or treatment. Contacting Dr. Toni from the website does not engage you into a professional client relationship.