The Integration of Energy Psychology, Spirituality, Reiki, and Nature
The integration of Energy Psychology, Spirituality, Reiki, and Nature addresses the interconnectedness of cognitive, behavioral, spiritual, and energetic aspects of a person for a holistic healing. Specific attention is given to the body, the strong therapeutic relationship, the recognition of spirituality, and being in the present moment. The healing that results, promotes symptom reduction, helps develop new and healthy perspectives on life, new coping skills and leads to positive changes in relationships.
The energy of Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a spiritual holistic energy that provides an opportunity for a shift toward positive, life-giving perspectives, and an awareness of the sacred within. The holistic energy practice of Reiki inherently brings the spiritual aspect of an individual into the therapeutic session.
Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, in this model is based on the humanistic and transpersonal psychological perspectives of psychotherapy and incorporates energy psychology. This modality offers a loving, calming, and peaceful experience in which new insights and reflections may occur without judgment or shame. The psychotherapist is able to use Shamanic Reiki as a tool to shift negative viewpoints to positive, abundant, life-giving perspectives. These changes provide hope and the feeling of empowerment.
Shamanism is a spiritual practice that adds the elements and forces of Nature to the Reiki energetic healing process. Shamanic practices recognize the healing properties of Nature and encourages a relationship with all of Nature. Additionally, shamanism is a spiritual technique that promotes a safe and healing manner to understand unconscious thoughts and patterns by moving into and between other dimensions. This process of gaining insights from events and experiences is empowering for an individual. The shamanic practice knows that Nature is dynamic, vibrant and alive. The natural motion of Nature is to move forward and grow. In Nature there is an increased experiential awareness of living and being in the present moment. Nature accepts us as we are, without judgment or criticism. The shamanic practice knows through connection and relationship with Nature that wisdom, knowledge and life-giving transformation can occur.

Researched and designed by Dr. Toni Hemmerich
Disclaimer: Â The website content is for general information and is not intended as professional advice or treatment. Contacting Dr. Toni from the website does not engage you into a professional client relationship.